Parental Agreement Form

  • Parental Agreements with Child Care Facility

  • 1. North Miami Beach Learning Center has agreed to provide child care during scheduled hours of operation as needed, but not to exceed 11 hours per day. I am aware of the center operating hours, holidays, attendance and payment policies, and agree to them.

    2. Tuition is due every two weeks and paid in advance. Tuition must be paid by the Friday before service is provided. A $5 per day late fee will be incurred, if tuition is not paid on time. After one week of an outstanding balance, your child will not be allowed to return to the center. To secure your child’s enrollment at North Miami Beach Learning Center, tuition is due regardless of attendance. If your child is sick or tardy we ask that you call the school by 9:00am that morning to notify that your child will be absent or tardy. If your child is absent for more than 3 consecutive days it is mandatory to visit your child’s physician and provide the school with a note from the doctor stating that your child can return to school.

    3. I have received a checklist for the first day of school and agree to all the items.

    4. I will provide written authorization, on the centers Authorization for Medication Form, for any medications to be dispensed. I will bring all medicine in the original container with my child's name marked on it. I will provide a plan of care if my child has a pre-existing condition, requiring medical attention while attending North Miami Beach Learning Center.

    5. I will escort my child into and out of the center, and will not allow them to enter or leave without being escorted. I will drop off and pick up my child in the office for safety/liability reasons. I will sign in and out on a daily basis. All children MUST arrive by 9:00am. This will facilitate your child’s learning process in order to stay updated with the current lesson.

    6. I acknowledge it is my responsibility to keep my child's records current to reflect any significant changes as they occur, e.g., telephone numbers, work location, emergency contacts, child's physician, child's health status and immunization records, etc. I acknowledge children that are exempt from immunization requirements, may attend North Miami Beach Learning Center.

    7. North Miami Beach Learning Center agrees to keep me informed of any incidents, including illnesses, injuries, adverse reactions to medications, etc., which include my child.

    8. North Miami Beach Learning Center agrees to obtain written authorization from me before my child participates in routine transportation, field trips, special activities away from the facility, and water related activities occurring in water that is more than two (2) feet deep.

    9. I authorize the child care facility to obtain emergency medical care for my child when I am not available.

    10. Discipline Policy:
    The following discipline techniques are prohibited at North Miami Beach Learning Center:

    1. The use of corporal punishment/including, but not limited to:
      • a) Hitting, spanking, shaking, slapping, twisting, pulling, squeezing, or biting;
      • b) Demanding excessive physical exercise, excessive rest, or strenuous or bizarre postures;
      • c) Compelling a child to eat or have in his/her mouth soap, food, spices, or foreign substances;
      • d) Exposing a child to extremes temperature;
      • e) Rough or harsh handling of children, including but not limited to: lifting or jerking by one or both arms; pushing; forcing or restricting movement; lifting or moving by grasping clothing; covering a child’s head.
    2. Isolating a child in an adjacent room, hallway, closet, darkened area, play area, or any other area where the child cannot be seen or supervised.
    3. Binding, tying or restrict movement, or taping the mouth;
    4. Using or withholding food or beverages as a punishment;
    5. Toilet learning/training methods that punish, demean, or humiliate a child;
    6. Any form of emotional abuse, including rejecting, terrorizing, extended ignoring, isolating, or corrupting a child;
    7. Any abuse or maltreatment of a child;
    8. Abusive, profane, or sarcastic language or verbal abuse, threats, or derogatory remarks in front of the child or about the child or child’s family;
    9. Placing a child in a crib/portable crib for a time-out or for disciplinary reasons.

    I understand the disciplinary practices used by North Miami Beach Learning Center which are redirected attention, verbal warnings, taking away playtime and time out. Physical punishment is prohibited at North Miami Beach Learning Center. We will explain to the child as clearly as possible as to why they were disciplined. The director will notify the parent in extreme situations.

    Expulsion Policy: An expulsion occurs when a child’s enrollment is terminated due to a challenging behavior or health condition negatively affecting the learning environment. Any child who has three accident/ incident notices on the fault side, will be asked to be removed from the center. All students are expected to follow school rules and be disciplined. Any student that is disrespectful, destroys property and/ or not disciplined, will be asked to be removed from the center. We reserve the right to refuse service at any time.

    11. Consent is granted for the student to be photographed or videotaped. These may be used without compensation in a public presentation. The student is free to refuse to be photographed or videotaped.

    12. I agree to not hold North Miami Beach Learning Center responsible for the loss or damage of personal property while in attendance or participation in activity with North Miami Beach Learning Center. Please keep valuable items at home. Any property left at the center for over ten calendar days, will be donated. We are not responsible for items left behind.

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